Links to Other Web Sites

The Internet has rapidly become a first stop for all sorts of research, including local history. Below are just some of the
websites relating to Ammanford, along with some others which may also be of interest. However, unlike books, websites
come and go at a bewildering rate, and some of the links below may be out of date even as you read. Once a book
has been published it will still be around in a library somewhere, even if it goes out of print, which can't be said of websites.

If any of the links below don't work, please e-mail this website at:

Ammanford History & Archaeology Society History and Archaeology Society of Ammanford and District. Details of meetings with some of papers read to the Society.

The Nowhere Guide to Ammanford

Insiders’ guide to Ammanford, which appears to consist mainly of youth views, suitably jaundiced and bored as a result. The view of many adults as well probably. After the site has opened enter 'Ammanford' into the 'Search for' box.

Local History Resources Site

Local History resources site. This takes you to dozens of links to books, archives, censuses, parish records – everything in fact you’d need for local history and genealogical researches. The "Lookup Exchange" button takes you to a list of Welsh history books. This includes local history books, written in English, Welsh and translations from the Welsh. The South West Wales Lookup Exchange takes to to resources for the counties of Carmarthenshire, Cardiganshire, Glamorgan, Pembrokeshire and All Wales, the One Name Database.

Ammanford in 1910Kelly's Directory of 1910 with a brief history of Ammanford, including local businesses at that time.
Ammanford Fire Brigade An extensive and detailed history of Ammanford's Fire Service, complete with photogaphs and newspaper articles of many major fires. Written by former firefighter Derek Norman, it also contains a lot of Ammanford's history.
Photographs of Ammanford ChurchesThis website of the Dyfed Family History Society contains photographs of many Carmarthenshire churches and chapels including some in Ammanford. The photographs are provided by volunteers so they are being added to continuously.
Records of Ammanford ChurchesThis website of the Dyfed Family History Society contains records of churches and chapels in Carmarthensfshire including most of Ammanford's.
Parish of Betws with Ammanford Website for the parish of Betws with Ammanford (All Saints church, Ammanford; St Michael's Ammanford; St David's, Betws; St Thomas, Wernoleu)
Pantyffynnon Communities First

The Communities First programme is a long-term strategy for improving the living conditions and prospects for people in the most disadvantaged communities in Wales. The programme seeks to ensure that the funds and support available from the Welsh Assembly Government and other public sector agencies are targeted at the poorest areas. This web site should tell you everything you need to know about Communities First Pantyffynnon, its people and activities.

The Community of BetwsExtensive website for the village of Betws just across the river Amman from Ammanford.
Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society Founded in 1905 the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian is one of the foremost county history societies in Wales. Their website contains the history of the society; contact details; their programme of speakers and events; publications; and membership details. The county journal, The Carmarthenshire Antiquary, formerly the Transactions, has been published annually since 1905. The Antiquary is issued free to each member and usually appears in late January.
Carmarthenshire Historian Home page of The Carmarthenshire Historian, the online version of the original journals published between 1961 and 1985. All the articles which appeared in the original journals are reproduced in full on the website. A very useful online resource of scholarly articles on Carmarthenshire's history as a result.

Ammanford Street Map

Map of all the streets in Ammanford. In the alphabetical index box, click on the letter of the alphabet your street begins with and then scroll down to select the street name you require. Click on the street and the map will appear. You can zoom in and out.

Guest Houses/Farmhouses
Glynhir Mansion
Penybanc Farm
Other Places

Accommodation – Places to stay within 3 miles of Ammanford.
Local guesthouses and farmhouses
The historic Glynhir Mansion near Llandybie
Farmhouse in Llandyfan, near Llandybie
Farmhouse in Llandyfan, near Llandybie
Other accommodation nearby
Accommodation in the rest of Carmarthenshire
Ammanford PhotographsTwelve photographs of Ammanford from the 1930s to the 1960s. Pass your mouse cursor over the photograph to see a description and click to enlarge it.
Extensive history of the ancient town of Llandeilo from pre-historic times to the present.
Directory of Welsh local history websites.

Carmarthenshire County Council

The official Carmarthenshire County Council site. Includes your local councilor, council services etc. Also tourism guide including accommodation and places to visit in the County.

Your local Member of Parliament Ammanford is part of the parliamentary constituency of East Carmarthenshire and Dinefwr. The current Member of Parliament is Ammanford-born Adam Price. Should you need to contact him, his website contains his constituency office address, telephone number and e-mail address.

South Wales Guardian

Web site for the South Wales Guardian newspaper

South Wales Evening Post

Web site for the South Wales Evening Post newspaper

Local Newspapers

Online news of Wales from the Evening Post group of newspapers

News of WalesMore online news of Wales from the Western Mail group of newspapers

Ordnance Survey Maps

Get any map you like, either for directions or to use online yourself. There is also a link to a site which provides old maps as well by clicking on the Historical Map button and then clicking on the County Gazetteer button. Or, you could go direct to this site yourself at:

Castles of Wales

The best site on the entire World Wide Web. Better even than NASA (honest). Loads about Welsh castles. Over a hundred essays by professional historian or archaeologists including photographs and site plans. Over 400 castles are on a data base with their Ordnance Survey grid references.

Cambria Archaeology

Formerly the Dyfed Archaeology Trust, Cambria Archaeology is responsible for the archaeological sites in West Wales.


The Welsh historical monument body. Cadw is a Welsh word which means 'to keep'. Cadw's mission is to "protect, conserve, and to promote an appreciation of the built heritage of Wales".

Ancient Monuments of Wales

"The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales (RCAHMW) has a national role in the management of the archaeological, built and maritime heritage of Wales as the originator, curator and supplier of authoritative information for individual, corporate and governmental decision-makers, researchers and the general public. To this end it surveys, Interprets and Records the man-made environment of Wales; Compiles, Maintains and Curates the National Monuments Record of Wales; Promotes an Understanding of this Information by all appropriate means." .

AA Route Planner

RAC Route Planner

Two Route planners. Just enter the 'From' and 'To' points of your journey and it will be calculated ready for you to print out.  Important – don’t forget to click the reverse route button for your return journey – left becomes right and right becomes left when you return. The AA site gives more detailed directions than the RAC site.

Travel in CarmarthenshireAll public travel arrangements, including timetables, within and outside Carmarthenshire - Bus, Train, Ferry and Air, including the County's Concessionary Fares Scheme. Check here to find where the latest roadworks are before you travel, as well as walks available in the county. (From the Carmarthenshire County Council website.)
Books on Welsh coalmining and collieries, by Ray Lawrence. A series of books covering the entire South Wales coalfield with brief histories of 2,700 coal mines as well as the pre-nationalisation coal owners. The books are a series of volumes on the separate regions and can be ordered online by clicking on:
National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Ammanford's history and economy, along with its political and social life, has been dominated by coal mining in the past. And coal mining has been dominated by mining trades unions. The official website of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) contains a detailed ten-part history of these unions.
National Justice for Mineworkers CampaignA history of the 1984/85 miners strike and the victimisation of 966 strikers. Not specific to Ammanford but a good summary of that momentous year long national dispute.
Miners' AdviceThis site contains the very latest news and information about the British mining scene.

Welsh Coal Mines

Welsh Coal Mines – photographs and brief histories of Welsh collieries. Includes some poems and stories with a mining theme, a glossary of mining terms, and a forum for discussion.

History of Wales

Articles on the history and other aspects of Wales

Literature of Wales

Literature and writers of Wales

Wales on the Web'Wales on the Web – "All Wales Portal is the primary access point for anyone anywhere in the world who wishes to access information and services that are associated with Wales. It is a portal to material of Welsh interest on the World Wide Web. It is an online guide to high quality, validated websites offering dependable information on the Web that have been certified as reliable and authoritative against a set of objective criteria. The service is funded by Cymru Ar-lein of the Welsh Assembly Government and based at the National Library of Wales. CAYW has been adopted as a working name for the portal. It is based on the Welsh name of the project (Cymru ar y We). Wales on the Web is also completely bilingual."
Wales OnlineBest of Wales web sites

BBC Wales site including
'Where we Live'

BBC web site for information and news about Wales. The 'Where we Live' section gives information about your locality.

Disclaimer: The author of this website does not accept responsibility for the content of any of the above websites.

Date this page last updated: February 24, 2011